Ships of the Line: 

NX-01010 USS Orion

Length: 250 Meters
Height: 63 Meters
Beam (Width): 120 Meters
Displacement (Mass): 650,000 Metric Tons
Crew: 150
Max Evac. Capacity: 360

Tactical Systems:

6 Mark VI Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers (4 fore, 2 aft)
1 Mark VI Rapid Fire Quantum Bolt Cannon (mounted betweeen 2 forward torp launchers on Ventral Hull)
6 Type L Phaser arrays 
Neutronium/Tetra-Burnium Quadruple Hull

Mark VI AG (Artificial Gravity) Field Generators (Provide Structural Integrity to the ship as well as Internal Gravity)
Mark VI MLSS (Multi-Layered Shield System) Multi-Adaptive/Regenerative Hull Conforming Shields
Mark VI Multi-Phasic Hull Armour- 1 Meter Thick
Mark VI Deployable Nano Armor Plating- 1 Meter thick
Mark VI Reman Meta-Phasic Cloaking Device

Mark VI Sensors (Scientific and tactical)


Sub-light: Mark VI Magneto-Plasma Dynamic Impulse Drives
Mark VI High Output RCS Thrusters
Mark VI Coaxial Fold Drive
Mark VI Quantum Slipstream Drive

Anti-Proton Reactor Cores 

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