Ships of the Line: 

NCC- 00101 USS Solara
NCC- 00102 USS Earnhardt-A - Under Construction
NCC- 00103 USS Juggernaught-A - Under Construction
NCC- 00104 USS Zeus-A - Under Construction

 1,310 Meters
Height: 335 Meters
Beam (Width): 986 Meters
Displacement (Mass): 400,000,000 Metric Tons
Crew: 4,200
Max Evac. Capacity: 10,400

Tactical Systems:

40 Mark VI Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers (Can also fire Nova bombs)
12 Mark VI Quantum Bolt Cannons
24 High Output Type XXX Phaser arrays
12 Auxilarary Type XL Pulsed Phaser cannon emplacements (primarily used as Anti-Fighter Intercepts but can be used offensively)
Neutronium/Tetra-Burnium Quadruple Hull

Mark VI AG (Artificial Gravity) Field Generators (Provide Structural Integrity to the ship as well as Internal Gravity)
Mark VI MLSS (Multi-Layered Shield System) Multi-Adaptive/Regenerative Hull Conforming Shields
Mark VI Bio Plast Ablative Armor Mesh- 2m Thick
Mark VI Deployable Nano Armor- 2m Thick
Multiple Deployable Battle Blades (Comprised of hardened Neutronium and increadibly sharp (helps stop incoming weapons fire and can be used during ramings to inflict massive damage to another ships hull))
Mark VI Sensors (Scientific and tactical)
Mark VI Meta-Phasic Shields that allow the ship to be in a white drawf stars corona for 120 hours
76 Murasame Class Fighters
Mark VI Reman Meta-Phasic Cloaking Device (allows the ship to fire while cloaked)

Nova bomb Compliment 40


Sub-light: Mark VI Extreme Output Magneto-Plasma Dynamic Impulse Drives
Mark VI Extreme Output Maneuvering Thrusters
Mark VI Coaxial Fold Drives
Mark VI Slipstream Drive

Anti-Proton Reactor Core 

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