
      Welcome to the Legacy Fleet Yards and R&D section for Aurora Fleet.  Here you will find a listing of all the current ships under construction or in the R&D process.  In addition to this you will also find a listing of all current, new and experimental technology, which includes weapons, sensors, etc.......  To top it all off you will also see the design specifications for the Avalon Class Space station which is at the heart of the Legacy Fleet yards and is also acting as the Fleet Engineering HQ, along with this station (Legacy Station) you will also notice in the specs that the Aurora Fleet HQ is also of the Avalon Class.

      Along with designing and constructing new ship classes and technology, Legacy Fleet Yards also does refits, resupplies, and routine maitenance on all the ships in the fleet as well as any other federation ship that is in the are and needs to put in for repairs, maitenance etc... the station also has accomodations for the crews of the ships that are docked at the fleet yards and the station it's self for what ever reason so that the crews can enjoy some R&R while thier ship is being looked after.

      Feel Free to look around and if you want to join us in our adventures of pushing the evelope of design and technology than feel free to let us know.  The Fastest way to get ahold of me is via msn at R_Merquise@hotmail.com  or you may contact through official channels atfleet_engineering@aurora-fleet.com .Hope to see you out there.




NOTE: This Fleet Yard is only servicing Aurora Fleet and her Allies if you are not apart

of Aurora Fleet or to an Allied Fleet then do not bother sending in a ship/station

Class request form as it will not be approved.




Thank You

The staff of Legacy Fleet Yards and Aurora Fleet 

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